The Methods of Removal Tattoos in Your Body - Part 1

New technologies promise to revolutionize the field of tattoo removal. New laser technologies could make lasers more precise. Some companies are working on creating creams that could be applied to the surface of the skin to remove the tattoo. Many hope that the day will come when technologies will permit tattoo to be removed completely, with little pain or other negative side effects. Right now, however, there are only a few proven tattoo removal methods besides laser removal. These are intense pulsed light therapy, excision, and dermabrasion.

1.Lasers; Most doctors will have recommended laser tattoo removal to people who want to erase their ink. Besides being the most effective and popular form of tattoo removal, laser removal is also the least invasive. It is performed without puncturing the skin.

The lasers used for tattoo removal work by breaking up the tattoo ink store in the dermis of the skin. After the ink molecules are broken up they are reabsorbed by the body. This cause the tattoo to fade-in some cases, it eventually can be removed completely. A skilled doctor can make sure that the laser targets only areas of the skin where the tattoo ink is stored.

There is no bleeding, and with the proper care, there is almost no risk of complications following the procedure. Best of all, out of the all the varieties of tattoo removal currently available, laser removal leaves the least amount of scaring afterward.

2.Intense Pulsed Light Therapy; Intense pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is used by dermatologists to remove skin blemishes, such as age spots and moles. Although sometimes confused with laser removal, IPL therapy is somewhat different. Instead of a laser, this form of therapy uses intense light to penetrate the skin. And unlike laser removal, a gel is applied over the area to be treated before it is hit with pulses of light. Opponents of IPL therapy believe that the pulses of light can be adjusted more precisely for individual patients.

Like laser removal, however, IPL therapy is painful. Some patients opt for anesthesia to laser than pain of the light pulse. Some say that IPL therapy is more effective than laser removal, but it isn’t ideal for all patients. In some cases, it can cause an uneven increase in skin pigmentation, and patients with darker skin tones usually experience complications. It is believing that IPL treatment can remove tattoos in fewer sessions than laser treatment can.

Perhaps someday, IPL therapy will be fine-tuned to the extent that everyone can benefit from the meantime, it is definitely an option for people with very fair skin. It is rare that IPL therapy results in scabs or bleeding, although sometimes the skin of the affected area undergoes pigmentation changes, becoming lighter or darker.

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