Permanent Methods of Hair removal.


Although permanent hair removal services will probably not be offered in Solon, it is usual to know the option that exist. Permanent hair removal methods include electrolysis, photo-epilation, and laser hair removal.

1.Electrolysi, is the removal of hair by mean of an electric current that destroy the root of hair. The current is applied with a very fine, needle shaped electrode that is inserted into each hail follicle. This technique can be painful, time consuming and expensive and must be performed only by a licensed electrologist.

2.Photo-Epilation; The U.S Food and Drugs Administration has recently approved the use of photo-epilation for a permanent hair removal. This treatment uses intense light to destroy the hair follicle. This treatment has minimal side effects, require no needle and thus eliminates the risk of infection. Clinical studies have shown that photo-epilation can provide 50 per cent to 60 per cent clearance of hair in twelve weeks. This method can be administered in some saloons by cosmetologist and esthetician, depend on state law.

3.Laser Hair Removal

Laser are anew methods for the rapid, gentle removal of unwanted laser hair removal, a laser beam is pulled on the skin, impairing the hair follicle. It is most effective when used on follicle in the growth phase or anagen.

The laser method was discovered by chance when it was noted that birthmarks treated with certain types of lasers became permanently devoid of hair. Laser are not for everyone; the absolute requirement is that one’s hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Coarse, dark hair responds best to laser treatment.



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