Hot oil Manicure

A hot oil manicure is one in which a heated oil, cream, or lotion is applied to the cuticles to soften them before pushing them back. It is beneficial for ridged and brittle nails and dry cuticle. You may use vegetable oil (olive oil is good) or a commercial product such as hand cream or lotion.

It is suggested that a reconditioning hot oil manicure be performed a week as it will add moisture to the skin and nail. Hot oil manicure are also beneficial for people who bite their nails because it help rough cuticle soft.

A hot oil manicure calls for the same table setup as the plain manicure plus an oil heated and the cream, lotion or oil of your choice. Preheat the oil for 15 minutes, perform a plain manicure to the point at which you would place the clients hand in the finger bowl. Instead have the client place her finger in the heated oil or apply the oil to each finger using a cotton-tipped swab.

Push the cuticles back carefully (cuticle remover or cuticle oil is not needed). Massage the hands would wrists with the oil. Wipe each nail carefully with polish remover to remove all traces of the oil before applying the base coat. Then complete as you would a plain manicure.

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