Tips for cutting Curly Hair
Curly hair can be a challenge to cut. One you gain enough confidence can be a lot of fun to work with. However, it is essential to understand how curly hair behaves after it has been cut and dried. Although you can apply any cutting techniques to curly hair, you will get different results with each one ta you get when cutting straight hair. Curly patterns can range from slights wavy too extremely curly, and curly haired clients may have fine medium., or coarse texture, with destiny ranging from thin into thick. The following are the tips recommended to follow when cutting Curly Hair; -
1.Curly hay
shrinks much more after it dries than straight hair. The curlier the hair, the
more it will shrink. For every ¼ inch (0.6cm) you cut when the hair is wet, it
will shrink up to 1 inch (2.5cm) when dry. Always keep this in mind when
consulting with your client.
2.Use minimal
tension and/or the teeth of your com. If you use a lot of tension when cutting curly
hair, you will be stretching the wet hair even more, and the hair will shrink
that much more when it dries.
hair naturally “graduates” itself. If the shape you want to create has strong
angles, you need to elevate less than when working with straight hair.
hair expands more than straight hair. this means that you will generally need to
leave length longer, which ultimately help weigh the hair down and keeps the
shape from shrinking or ending up too short
general, a razor should not be used on curly hair. Doing so can weaken the
cuticle and cause the hair to frizz.
you texturing techniques carefully. Avoid using the razor, and work mostly with
point cutting and freehand notching to remove bulk and weight
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