Special problem when performing a Facial.


There are number of special problems that must be considered when you performing a facial. This include dry skin, oil skin and blackheads and acne.

Dry skin is caused by an insufficient flow of sebum (oil) from the sebaceous glands. The facial dry skin helps correct this condition. Although it can be given which or without an electrical current, the use of electrical current provides better results.

Oily skin is often characterized by blackheads or open comedones, which are caused by hardened masses of sebum formed in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Oily skin can benefit the facial procedure described be bellow;


Acne is disorder of the sebaceous glands that require through and sometimes ongoing medical attention. If the client is under medical care, the role of the cosmetologist is to work closely with the client’s physician, treatments. Generally, medical direction limits the cosmetologist to the following measure in the treatment of acne;

  • Cleansing the skin
  • Reducing the oiliness of the skin by local application
  • Removing blackheads, using proper procedure.
  • Using special medicated preparation

Because acne skin contains infection matter, you must wear protective gloves and use disposable materials such as cotton cleansing pads.

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